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Frequently Asked Questions
Can sound waves change my brain state?

Research shows that exposing the brain to certain sound waves in the form of tones, and rhythms can help shift its frequency and create a desired mental state. This includes using binaural beats, isochronic tones, and other auditory stimuli to induce relaxation, and improve cognitive performance, focus, creativity, or even sleep (1).

This concept is known as brainwave entrainment. Brainwave entrainment is a process where the brain’s electrical activity is exposed to auditory or visual stimuli at specific frequencies to induce a desired mental state, such as relaxation or focus.


How can music affect emotions?
Music has the capacity to elicit powerful emotional responses in listeners. Research has revealed that through the combination of melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic elements within a composition, music is capable of evoking a multitude of affective states and activating cognitive processes associated with emotion, making it a potent psychological stimulus (2). It has been suggested that this effect may be due to the direct influence of sound on physiological arousal and subsequent changes in affective states to help individuals cope with stress and difficult emotions. It can also provide an emotional outlet for those who are feeling sad or overwhelmed.
What are isochronic tones?

Isochronic tones are rhythmic pulses of sound that can be used to help reduce stress, improve focus, promote relaxation, etc. 

How long should I listen to isochronic tones to reduce stress?

The length of time one should listen to isochronic tones varies depending on the individual and the desired outcome. Research indicates that listening for a minimum of five minutes daily for a number of weeks is necessary to begin observing effects. 

It is important to note that some people may require longer listening times in order to achieve their desired outcomes. Additionally, it is important to find an appropriate volume level that does not cause discomfort or distraction.

Can the effects be felt immediately after listening to isochronic tones?

Isochronic tones are a type of sound therapy that uses rhythmic pulses of different frequencies to stimulate the brain. The effects of isochronic tones can vary depending on the individual, but some people report feeling relaxed or energized after listening to them. 

Brainwave entrainment is most commonly used for short-term benefit, synchronizing brainwaves to a desired frequency range while listening to audio. The effects are strongest while actively listening and may linger afterward, though the timescale will vary from person to person and be affected by subsequent activities. According to research, the use of isochronic tones can enhance short-term positive effects on the mood of participants (3).

What Is Entrainment? And How Does Brainwave Entrainment Work?

Entrainment is a phenomenon that occurs when two different rhythmic cycles start to sync up with each other. (Watch this video for a visual demonstration of entrainment in action: Entrainment and Rhytmn). Brainwave entrainment is a process of using audio or visual stimuli to influence the frequency of an individual’s brainwaves in order to achieve a desired state of consciousness. 

Brainwave entrainment has widespread application. It can be utilized to induce relaxation, improve focus and concentration, or even help with sleep issues. It works by sending pulsing sound waves or light pulses into the brain, which then causes the brainwaves to resonate at the same frequency as the stimulus.